

259 Uppsatser om Procedural Autonomy - Sida 1 av 18

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of Procedural Autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration.The results of the study shows that, althought there?s a general principle of national Procedural Autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law.

Direktiv 2001/18/EG om avsiktlig utsättning av GMO och dess inverkan på svensk rätt : en europarättslig studie om svensk institutionell och processuell autonomi samt principen om god förvaltning

This master's thesis on the subject of public law will deal with the implications ?Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms? might have on the Swedish legal system. The purpose of the directive is to harmonize the European Union States legislation regarding licensing of the deliberate release of GMO?s into the environ­ment, this to maintain a high level of environmental protection and at the same time preserve the internal market of the European Union. The thesis will primarily examine how the provisions of the directive relating to the general principle of good administration have impacted the proce­dural autonomy of Sweden.

Paternalism:The Conflict Between Autonomy And Beneficence In The Case Of The Temporarily Mentally Ill Patients

The health care formulation of the principle of autonomy can be expressed as follows; ?you shall not treat a patient without the informed consent of the patient, or his or her lawfulsurrogate, except in narrowly defined emergencies?. The principle of beneficence refers to a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others. In heath care, the good or benefit in question is the restoration of the health of the patient. In fulfilling this obligation of beneficence, the physician sometimes intentionally overrides the patient?s preferences or actions for the purpose of benefiting the patient.

Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen

The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.

Möblering med Procedurell Generering : Furnishing with Procedural Generation

I spelutveckling finns det idag två sätt för utvecklare att skapa digitalt innehåll. Manuellt av personer som skapar allt innehåll för hand eller automatiskt av program där ekvationer istället beskriver innehållet och generera detta vid behov. Att låta ett program generera digitalt innehåll kallas Procedural Content Generation (PCG) och används i grafiska applikationer, dataspel, simulatorer och online-applikationer. I detta arbete, gjort för Linnéuniversitetet, utvecklas ett sätt att möblera ett virtuellt rum genom att bruka konceptet för PCG. Genereringsalgoritmen är regelbaserad och med denna lösning kan ett eller flera virtuella rum möbleras utan att innehållet i rummen behöver lagras. .

En europeisk åklagare : ett hot mot den fria bevisprövningen?

There are intense discussions within the European Union regarding the introduction of a European Public Prosecutor (EPP). The proposed EPP will have jurisdiction in the entire union, and will work under a unified set of rules of procedure. These procedural rules will differ from the Swedish rules of criminal procedure, especially regarding the handling of illegal evidence. The thesis describes the European legal history, especially regarding criminal procedure. The thesis also describes what the purposes and principals are in Swedish criminal procedural law, and the purposes and principals in the proposed European criminal procedural law.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe, from an ethical point of view, how the patient?s autonomy could preserved at palliative care.Method: A general literature study where 11 scientific articles have been analysed from a qualitative checklist whereof the result has been discussed based on the principles of ethics.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv - en litteraturstudie

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.

"Det är kränkande men jag behöver göra det" : En kvalitativ studie om personals syn på missbrukares integritet och autonomi vid LVM

The purpose of this study was to examine in which way personnel who work with LVM approach their client?s integrity, autonomy and their participation in decision making. We used a semistructured interview when we interviewed three social workers, one placement secretary and four care personnel who work at institutions for LVM. In the theoretical approach of this study we used the total institutions and the user influence by clients. The study has shown that personnel?s considerations to their client?s integrity, autonomy and participation in decisions are a convoluted problem.

Förloppslandskap : ett sätt att betrakta landskap

Begreppet landskap kan betyda både utsiktslandskap, så som det används på engelska , och område, region, som är grundbetydelsen i de germanska språken. Torsten Hägerstrand introducerade i början på 1990-talet begreppet förloppslandskap, som vänder sig mot ett statiskt betraktande av landskap och istället tar fasta på landskapets processer. Målet med denna litteraturstudie är att presentera en översikt av förloppslandskapets idéer. Syftet är att med detta som bakgrund föra en diskussion kring förloppslandskapets relevans i dagens planeringssituation. Europeiska landskapskonventionen företräder en landskapssyn där samspelet mellan natur och samhälle betonas, men till skillnad från förloppslandskapet så är fokus inställt på människans upplevelse.

Deklarativt minne hos universitetsstuderande med dyslexi : Undersökning av igenkänningsminne efter oavsiktlig inkodning

Utifrån the procedural deficit hypothesis (PDH) antas det deklarativa minnet vara intakt hos personer med dyslexi. Detta styrks av studier som visat att deklarativt minne är intakt eller förstärkt hos barn med SLI eller dyslexi då det undersökts med icke-språkliga minnestest. Personer med dyslexi som genomgår universitetsstudier antas kompensera för sina svårigheter på olika sätt, bland annat med det deklarativa minnet. I denna studie har deklarativt minne undersökts i form av visuellt igenkänningsminne efter oavsiktlig inkodning. Deltagarna utgjordes av 11 universitetsstuderande med dyslexi samt en kontrollgrupp på 26 universitetsstuderande utan dyslexi.

The Intimate Connection Between Autonomy and Decision-Making in Applied Health Care Ethics

The intimate connection between autonomy and decision-making in applied health care, especially in various kinds of consent and refusal has taken center stage in medical ethics since the Salgo decision in 1957. Prior to that time, the physician?s supposedly moral duty to provide appropriate medical care typically surpassed the legal obligation to respect patient?s autonomy. The Salgo decision concluded that physicians have a legal duty to provide facts necessary for the patient to make an informed decision. "The doctor knows best" long ago was replaced with "The doctor proposes; the patient disposes." There is no legal obligation for the patient?s choice to be palatable to anyone, other than that patient himself/herself.

Betaltjänstdirektivets inverkan på svensk rätt och dess processuella och institutionella autonomi

Denna magisteruppsats i offentlig rätt är ämnad att behandla implementeringen av direktivet om betaltjänster på den inre marknaden i svensk rätt. Betaltjänstdirektivet är väsentlig vid inrättande av den inre marknaden inom EU:s medlemsstater, då alla inre gränser skall avlägsnas för att möjliggöra fri rörlighet för varor, personer, tjänster och kapital; i det sammanhanget blir det viktigt med en modern och konsekvent rättslig ram för betaltjänster på EU-nivå. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka implementeringen av de processuella och materiella bestämmelser i betaltjänstdirektivet som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och därtill medlemsstaternas processuella och institutionella autonomi. Till de frågor som analyseras hör tolkning av begreppet god förvaltning och hur de utvalda principerna kan identifieras i svensk rätt genom implementeringen av direktivet. God förvaltning i denna uppsats förstås i vid mening som ett begrepp motsvarande vad enskilda har rätt att förvänta sig av det berörda förvaltningsorganet vid handläggning av ett enskilt ärende.Uppsatsen har visat att direktivet innehåller ett flertal bestämmelser som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och som reglerar hur svenska myndigheter skall handlägga ärenden inom direktivets tillämpningsområde.

Persuasiva spel: Ett medium med spännande möjligheter : Procedurell retorik i två svenska opinionsbildande datorspel

This essay is about the principles and rules that control persuasive computer games. The term persuasive games mean computer games, video games and other similar artifacts that are produced to shape opinion. The rhetorical scholar Ian Bogost at Georgia Tech claims that this kind of games mainly get their persuasive power by using procedural rhetoric and that games as a medium gives special conditions for procedurality.  By procedural rhetoric Bogost means an argumentation that is based on rules and choices, as opposed to texts, movies and images. (Bogost 2007). Bogost describes these procedures as quite specific for games and claims that they differ qualitatively from ?ordinary? rhetorical arguments even if they just as other arguments work by establishing enthymems.

Procedurellt minne hos universitetsstuderande med dyslexi

Dyslexi är en form av läs- och skrivsvårighet som inte kan förklaras av t.ex. bristfällig undervisning, låg begåvning eller synproblem. Orsaken till dyslexi anses vanligen vara nedsatt förmåga av fonologiskt processande. Flera studier har dock visat att dyslexi även är förknippat med språkliga, kognitiva och motoriska svårigheter som inte kan förklaras av nedsatt förmåga av fonologiskt processande. Det procedurella minnessystemet engageras vid inlärning, processande och konsolidering av kognitiva och motoriska färdigheter.

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